Pandemonium Rocks Community As Security Operatives Search For Suspected Gsy - THE LIVING GUIDE

Pandemonium Rocks Community As Security Operatives Search For Suspected Gsy

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By Our Correspondent 

Residents of Igbo Oluwo Estate,a community in Lagos state scampered for safety at the weekend, with the presence of a combined team of armed  Police officers and men of the Nigeria Security and Civil Defense Corps in the community.

The security operatives sneaked into the area, calling the bluff of residents  who wanted to obstruct them from carrying out their lawful duties.

They were in the community in search of a middle aged man, Bassey Okon  who allegedly practiced same sex with one of his friends,whose name was given as Sadik,alias JK.

Vehicular movements and commercial activities were disrupted in the area, grounding them to a halt, for hours as the  stern looking security operatives,moved round houses to arrest Bassey who had taken to his heels,after involving his partner in same sex.

  According to sources ,Bassey and his friend had been engaging in the ignoble act for a while before the lead of their atrocities blew open.

 Bassey's residence , on 21 Moshood Balogun Street in the Estate, was visited by the police but his family members were fortunate not be home when the security operatives arrived.

Some residents of the Estate ,it was however gathered had harrowing experiences in the hands of the security operatives who accused them of concealing some facts about the operations of Bassey and his friend.

When newsmen followed the state Police Image maker,Hundeyin to Bassey's residence ,the entire compound wore ghost look,while the main door to his apartment  was under lock and key.

A neighbour in the Estate who spoke with newsmen on  condition of anonymity said the community had been monitoring Bassey for long before nemesis finally caught up with him and his friend.

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