Suspected kidnappers after my life, middle-aged man cries out - THE LIVING GUIDE

Suspected kidnappers after my life, middle-aged man cries out

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By Our Correspondent

"For how long will my family and I be running helter-skelter for safety in the hands of suspected kidnappers? For more than four days running, my mind has not known peace"

A man in his mid-forties, Lijoka Adedoyin made these heartbreaking comments in Lokoja, Kogi State at a parley with journalists, noting that suspected kidnappers were after him.

"My life is being threatened by this heartless person, whose activities are giving residents of Banda, the community, where I reside, concern" he posited.

Lijoka, last week escaped being kidnapped by the whiskers, when four passengers in the same commercial vehicle with him, were abducted, not far from the Banda area of Lokoja

"As I speak with you gentlemen of the Press, my life is not safe. Kidnappers are after me. They said I saw their faces when they attacked a commercial vehicle, I travelled in. They said, I could implicate them" Adedoyin added.

He explained that after the kidnap, some people, whose faces were not familiar in his area, have visited his house, twice, dropping threatening letters by his gate, since no member of his family was at home when they came.

"The kidnappers have been terrorizing our community and have vowed to hurt me and my family anytime they see me because they said I was a threat to them and their operations in the community" Lijoka noted.

 He added that his wife and his sons, David including his daughter, Dorcas have been living in fear and anxiety, saying that he heard from good authorities that the notorious gang moved with dangerous weapons, in his area.

"I escaped death by the whiskers, some days ago with the help of some Samaritans, when the kidnappers attacked the vehicle I was travelling in, around Banda. Four persons were kidnapped then and since then, I have always been conscious of my movements" he further said.

He called on security operatives in the area, to wade into action by combing the nooks and crannies of his community, where kidnappers and people of other vices, now hold sway.

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