Dr. Jumoke Soyemi: A Trailblazer in Bioinformatics and Artificial Intelligence - THE LIVING GUIDE

Dr. Jumoke Soyemi: A Trailblazer in Bioinformatics and Artificial Intelligence

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Dr. Jumoke Soyemi, a renowned academic and researcher in the fields of bioinformatics and artificial intelligence (AI), has been recognized globally for her groundbreaking work. Recently, she has been awarded several prestigious travel fellowships to expand her research in these areas, including trips to South Africa, America, Rwanda, Uganda, and Tanzania.

Her research ‘Prediction of host-parasite protein-protein interactions in the human RBCs and P. falciparum Schizont stage based on RNA-Seq gene expression profiles using machine Learning Method’ combined bioinformatics with artificial intelligence to develop computational solutions which analyze biological data to address healthcare problems in real-world conditions. 

The fellowships won by Dr. Soyemi presented her with opportunities to collaborate with prestigious scientists and institutions, gaining invaluable insights and contributing to the global scientific community.
Her travel fellowships to South Africa, Uganda, Rwanda and Tanzania equipped her with requisite knowledge needed to thrive in the field of Bioinformatics apart from presenting her research findings and collaborating with scientist in other part of Africa. 

Dr. Soyemi’s travel award to the United States in particular was a developing country travel award by the American Society of Human Genetics (ASHG) and was highly competitive. Over 100 candidates made submissions all over Africa with 25 successful awardees in the final. 

The ASHG Congress was held at the George R. Brown Convention Center in Houston, USA with over 7,000 scientific attendees, plus almost 250 companies exhibiting their products, which made it the world’s largest gathering of human genetics professionals in the world. 

She, however, registered her growing global reach with a well-received research presentation on ‘Machine Learning Approach to predicting Important Interacting Proteins between Human Red Blood Cells and Plasmodium falciparum Schzont’.

Dr. Soyemi uses her passion to mentor emerging scientists beyond conducting her research activities. Her experience with various research sites has strengthened her dedication to advancing bioinformatics and artificial intelligence skill development. Through multiple travel fellowships Dr. Soyemi demonstrates her role as a leader in bioinformatics and AI. 

Her international partnerships support the ‘Development of Bioinformatics Infrastructure for Genomics Research’ in Africa. Particularly being a national collaborator and partner with Covenant Applied Informatics and Communication Africa Centre of Excellence (CApIC-ACE) establishing a Bioinformatics laboratory at the Federal Polytechnic, Ilaro, provided the required facility to train, build and equip indigenous African scientists with the necessary skills in bioinformatics, molecular biology, and information & communications engineering knowledge as well as cloud & high-performance computing.

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